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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2016


What is pronoun                               : Pronouns are words that we use in place of Nouns (or other Pronouns) in a sentence to make it less repetitive and less awkward. Some of the most common Pronouns are - he, she, you, they, it, etc. These Pronouns are divided into different categories based on their use. Types Of Pronouns Common types of pronouns found in the world’s languages are as follows : Personal Pronouns                           : These pronouns are used for a specific object or person and they change their forms to indicate the different genders, numbers, case and persons speaking. Example                           ...


What is Subject                      : innti second after predicate function. The shape of the subject is usually a noun, either in the form of words, phrases, or clauses. To determine the subject, can be determined by using the question of who and what . Example                                  : John walks to school (subject orang) , Jakarta is beautiful (subject tempat) , Walking makes the heart healthy (subject aktivitas)  What is Verb                          : a function word to indicate the action of the subject, showing events or circumstances. Verb is one of the eight part...


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Hello everybody... I would like to introduce myself. My name is A. Yaumil Mahsyar but you can call me Emil. I was born in Ujung Pandang (Makassar), on Juny, 1995. I’m from south sulawesi, my tribe is Bugis. My religion is moslem, A is andi, Andi is my clan that signifies me as a descendant of the original bugis tribe. The meaning of my own name is Yaumul Mahsyar is the day when people are gathered in a mahsyar meadow . Padang Mahsyar is vast land gathering place for humans in the afterlife since Prophet Adam as the first man to the last man born into the world. I do not understand my parents by giving a name like that. I have pleasant personality but sometimes I become selfish. and I sometimes shy if meet new people. My hobby is traveling, watching movies and comedy, listening to music, because by listening to music I get a lot of pleasure. Right now I am sitting in one of the universities, namely the gunadarma University , I have taken semes...


Pengertian Hukum Ekonomi Hukum ekonomi adalah suatu hubungan sebab akibat atau pertalian peristiwa ekonomi yang saling berhubungan satu dengan yang lain dalam kehidupan ekonomi sehari-hari dalam masyarakat. Contoh hukum ekonomi : 1.      Jika harga sembako atau sembilan bahan pokok naik maka harga-harga barang lain biasanya akan ikut merambat naik. 2.      Apabila pada suatu lokasi berdiri sebuah pusat pertokoan hipermarket yang besar dengan harga yang sangat murah maka dapat dipastikan peritel atau toko-toko kecil yang berada di sekitarnya akan kehilangan omset atau mati gulung tikar. 3.      Jika nilai kurs dollar amerika naik tajam maka banyak perusahaan yang modalnya berasal dari pinjaman luar negeri akan bangkrut. 4.      Turunnya harga elpiji / lpg akan menaikkan jumlah penjualan kompor gas baik buatan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. 5. ...