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Holiday last year I and my college friends to Malang train ride Matarmaja ( economic ) via Pasar Senen station clock 15:15.
Straight to, travel time from Jakarta Ke Malang approximately 16 hours . Throughout my travels occasionally looked out the window to see the scenery out there that look still not clean but over time that had seen slums, has now become green because so many rice fields with lush - lush crops . Does not feel it was night , me and my friends instead of sleeping even tries to make dubsmash , joking and gossiping until late at night wkwk
The second day in the crowded passenger train were initially until the remaining few people , and just 08.00 in Malang Station . I travel a destination while in the unfortunate is Bromo and Stone , the first objective is to Bromo by using the services of travel . But before we headed to Bromo homestay for a break , because around 24.00 we were picked up by the father travel to the street to bromo . Exactly at 24.00 suddenly heard the sound of a car , the car that picked us to go to Bromo . The journey begins with the streets deserted and dark . When in Pasuruan suddenly streets covered with sand , the driver gets confused which path should pass it again. Finally reckless driver Trobos sand , sand covered streets because that person does not pass through it . The trip continued and eventually into the parking lot until the jeep . Pas us down really cold cooyyy -_____-
Our destination that day to climbing 1 to see the sunrise and bromo mountain from up there . Many people are already standing in places where they would see the sunrise , and the sky gradually and finally bright light.
By: Andiani Dwi
After climbing one of us headed to Mount bromonya , upon arriving at Mount Bromo us all into the crater using horses . We only briefly in the crater because after this we will go to Batu car ride from travelnya . From Bromo to the rock takes about 3-4 hours if no one hahah , for 3 to 4 hours till the end we all got a rock , Batu we rent homestay for approximately 3 days .
For 3 days we visited the place in Batu Travel is JATIM PARK 2 , BNS and Transport Museum . The next day we were to JATIM PARK 2 , Di JATIM PARK 2 no name hotel Tree Inn Hotel , Eco Green Park , Bamboo Plaza , houses Reversed , Batu Secret Zoo , Museum of Wildlife and much more . Following from morning till evening menjelajai JP 2 , we decided to go back to the homestay for a break . After the break was enough and had to practice sunset, we headed to the Batu Night Spectacular ( BNS ) . Arriving at BNS we bought tickets , and at BNS many games that pretty mainstream especially crazy bike game , cuman person who had more courage as I could go up wakakak do not feel already at 23.00 we were all still in BNS because it was too cool to enjoy a game that was there that I forgot the time . And finally we come home and take a break to recharge for the next day .
It was getting light , we rushed to get ready to continue our tour to the transport museum . Towards the transport museum we ride public transportation , upon arriving there we bought tickets and explore the contents of the transport museum . In it a lot of great places to take pictures of this one.

By: Andiani Dwi
Having tired of freight around the museum we decided to go back to the homestay to rest because tomorrow morning we will return to Jakarta .
Now day 6 , the day when we will return to Jakarta to meet with family and friends more . Before turning to the station we certainly Malang to hire public transportation , and upon arriving at the station we stopped at a place to eat to fill the stomach . After that we went straight into the station and immediately returned to Jakarta .
Nothing feels time is running we felt tired and so forth , so that we all slept in a day all the way home. And the next day we finally had reached the station Monday market .


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